Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Death of Music Shopping

Once upon a time a person used to be able to do a truly magical thing:  shop for music.  It was glorious.  You could go into a store, browse around, bob your head to cool tunes, debate with a friend about the virtues of The Who vs. The Kinks, and/or pick up a stoned hipster.

But then the world got cheap.  We didn't want to pay for all that fun anymore.  $19 is too much to spend for the new Dead Weather CD when we know we can just download it.

So now where should we shop?

Here's my plan to bring back music shopping:  A store that sells all CDs for $5.  I'll call it Tommy's.  I'll keep a digital database of every album ever recorded and burn discs for people for $5.  I might even print out labels and cover art.  The record company's and artists will get $3, I'll keep $2, and you'll get cheap tunes.  Win, win, win.  I rock!

btw Richard Branson, I've copyrighted the idea.  suck it or love it.

- Tommy Blunt

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