Friday, October 2, 2009

Karen O Gets Mainstream Glory

Someone in Brooklyn is getting paid.  Karen O's soundtrack to the new winter event Where The Wild Things Are is now available for sale in Starbucks around the country.  Who said people don't buy records anymore?  Coffee and CDs forever.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good-Bye Lucy

Lucy Vodden, 46, died on Monday after a fight against Lupus.  When she was 6 she caught the eye of Julian Lennon, who then painted a picture of her and showed it to his father, John, and said, "It's Lucy in the sky with diamonds."

I helped send Lucy to heaven by playing Beatle's Rock Band.  Drunken Rock Band Wednesday (DRBW) is now a reality.  Join in.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

U2 Sucks!!!!

As I write this I'm watching U2 bomb on SNL.  Their song sucks and Bono seems to have lost his voice and is resorting to making monday movements and spinning around.  Sad.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Death of Music Shopping

Once upon a time a person used to be able to do a truly magical thing:  shop for music.  It was glorious.  You could go into a store, browse around, bob your head to cool tunes, debate with a friend about the virtues of The Who vs. The Kinks, and/or pick up a stoned hipster.

But then the world got cheap.  We didn't want to pay for all that fun anymore.  $19 is too much to spend for the new Dead Weather CD when we know we can just download it.

So now where should we shop?

Here's my plan to bring back music shopping:  A store that sells all CDs for $5.  I'll call it Tommy's.  I'll keep a digital database of every album ever recorded and burn discs for people for $5.  I might even print out labels and cover art.  The record company's and artists will get $3, I'll keep $2, and you'll get cheap tunes.  Win, win, win.  I rock!

btw Richard Branson, I've copyrighted the idea.  suck it or love it.

- Tommy Blunt

Falafels or bagels?

You're hung over.  It's 12ish in the afternoon on a Saturday in NYC.  What do you eat to fill the empty winebag in your stomach?

I chose both.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Jack White is cooler than Kanye (duh!)

God Jack White proved that he has a humorous side to his many talents when he mocked Jackass West at the Toronto Film Festival.

We've all heard a bunch of cry-baby Kanye jokes lately, but Jack trumps them all by having the guts to act one out.  Filmmaker Emmett Malloy (who you know as half of The Malloys - directors of 'Icky Thump') was in the middle of gushing about his new Stripes documentary, 'Under the Great White Northern Lights', when Jacks stormed out of no where and said "I'm gonna let you finish, I'm gonna let you finish, but Orson Welles did one of the greatest films of all time!"

The crowd instantly cheered.  Watch it here:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Karen O vs. Gaga: Battle of the Crotches

In an effort to prove she's got a cunt, Lady Gaga has been flaunting her crotch on stage.  Think that's cool? Well, like most of what Gaga comes up with, Karen O has already been there and done.

Try eating shit on stage Gaga.

If you have no better reason (and yes, there are many many more)  watch the YYYs new video for "Heads Will Roll" and see where Lady G takes her style.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Return of Har Mar

Once upon a time, back in the hysteria of the neo-post-punk-nu-garage rock revolution, Har Mar Superstar built a viable career based off of a shout-out from a Stroke.  I saw him live, and despite my 7 Heinekens I wasn't drunk enough to enjoy it.

But since he's trying to conquer the pop world, and not the sacred rock world in which we all live, I fully support his campaign for stardom.  His new album 'Dark Touches' will be released in a few weeks, and clearly Justin Timberfuck will have a run for his money.

- tb

Fabulous Life Of: Probation Chic

Chris Brown was enjoying posing for the paps today while doing his recess community service.  He was a bit confused about what clothing line item he wanted to hawk, so he just went with all of them.  Shorts on shorts is so in this year.


Kid Cudi Day

I've been following Kid Cudi for a bit, but somehow I missed the release of his new video for the hit "Day N Night".  It rocks.  If you're a stoner (like me) then you'll especially relate.  I want all my beers to turn into milkshakes.

Check it out here (it couldn't be embedded)

And if you still haven't heard Make Her Say (I Poke Her Face) , check that out too.

The album is out this week too, so you might as well just download the whole thing now.  It has guest appearances from Kanye (aka Jackass), MGMT, Common, and Ratatat.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beth Ditto Wants Plenty of Groupie Love

The Gossip's rocktress Beth Ditto has banned her current girlfriend, Freddie, from touring with her in the UK.  Her official statement to contactmusic blamed it on the press, but we know she just wants to be free to munch some kooch.

Rock on Beth.

- Tommy Blunt

It's a bird, It's a plane.... It's Stephen Malkmus! PAVEMENT RETURNS

Historically underrated, yet highly influential band Pavement will reform and return for their first live gig since 1999.  Sonic orgasms await.

Coldplay is Caught Stealing

Guitarist Joe Satriani's copyright lawsuit against Coldplay has been settled today. Satriani sued the soft rockers, claiming mega-hit "Viva La Vida" ripped off his song "If I Could Fly".

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Memoirs of an Icky Night

Miss Chrissy and I hit the East Vil and rocked it Saturday.  How do we know?  Because punk legend Handsome Dick Manitoba gave us our first documented shout out.

Check out the inauguration of the Icky Cam:

More cool vids of the night are after the Jump (including tips from seminal songwriter and artist Jesse Malin )

Monday, September 14, 2009

NYC Legend Jim Carroll Dead at 60

The Summer of Death has claimed another victim, poet and all-around rock star Jim Carroll.  He apparently died on Friday of a heart attack. I have no words, so I'll just leave you with my favorite quote by Jim:
“That, I realized, is the great beauty of dreams: the devil may inevitably find a way to jerk you off, but you can always wake up before he makes you cum.”
Rest in Peace, Jim.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

2009 VMA Live Blog

We'll be Live Blogging the VMAs straight from the heart of the party, NYC. Hilarity shall ensue as we contemplate the similarities between GaGa and Caster Semenya (chicks with dicks?).

Follow along after the jump-

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Julian gets a date

Savior Julian Casablancas's first solo album Phrazes For The Young will "drop" October 20. Clearly Halloween will rock this year.

I trust Julian not to suck. His talent for crafting juicy hot lyrics and melodies couldn't have disappeared just because he spent a few years hibernating.

Previous fears that this would be a farewell to The Strokes have been squashed. He confirmed in a video on his website,, that New York City's Finest are crafting a 4th album.

So, after we wipe the sweat from our brows, we can now fully embrace Julian's album solo effort. Hopefully lunch boxes and clothing lines at Target will follow.

Eitherway, everyone and their mother will be rushing to the store to buy the record on Oct. 20th. (Yes, this is one that you will need to have in hard copy)


Friday, September 11, 2009

Snow Patrol Cashes Out

Adult Contemporary band Snow Patrol is set to release a 'Best Of' album. Best of what is the logical question, but evidently 3 hits and some filler is enough these days to call it quits.

Oh well. Simon Cowell (aka teletubby) will still love them.


Hot Babe Alert!!

The test results are in, and World Champion Caster Semenya (pictured above) does in fact have a vag.

Bang away boys...


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Precum Alert: Alison Mosshart Lights a Cig

What is it about her cool indifference that makes me want to sit her on my lap for a Sunday? If I find out she drinks Guiness I'm going to blow a load in my pants.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Who is hotter: Jack White or Alison Mosshart?

Personally, I can't decide. But with The Dead Weather, we don't have to. If you have not had the pleasure, allow me to do the honors. The Dead Weather is a supergroup consisting of: Our own personal God, Jack White (The White Stripes, The Raconteurs); Alison Mosshart (The Kills); Dean Fertita (The Waxwings, Queens of the Stone Age); and Jack Lawrence (The Raconteurs). Below, the video. "The Dead Weather: Their Oral History and Future Plans. An explanation and apology from the band themselves." Also, probably the most badass video ever, "Treat me like Your Mother." Enjoy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Big God, Little God

Keith Richards told Rollingstone magazine (he's so old school. doesn't he know no one reads that shitzine anymore) that he has been recording with Jack White. "I enjoy working with Jack," he said. "We’ve done a couple of tracks."

This is the passing of a torch that is long over do. The White Stripes opened for a couple of 'Stones shows, and Jack was prominently featured in the 'Stones flick "Shine a Light", so it's only natural that they finally record a new song (or even an album!) together.

All this is such sweet satisfaction for my hipster ass. I remember a certain republican college friend mocking me 7 years ago for my White Stripe's obsession, and calling the holy band 'shit' and other blasphemous names I won't repeat. My reply was always "not liking the White Stripes today would be like not liking the Rolling Stones in the 60's" Clearly Keith agrees with me. suck it.

- Tommy Blunt

OMG!!! New Radiohead!!!! ...wait, do I still care?

Radiohead released a double A-side vinyl on September 1st with the songs "FeelingPulledApartbyHorses" and "The Hollow Earth". Actually it's being credited just to Thom Yorke, but the songs are posted on, Johnny Greenwood is still the guitarist, and Nigel Godrich is still the producer, so for all intensive purposes it's still Radiohead minus a few members that evidently had too much of a hangover to make it into the studio.

Either way, dare I say it, I'm getting bored with Radiohead. Why? Because I'm not 12 and with braces anymore. Also, the last radiohead show I went to was full of Frat dude, which of course is the fault of Guitar Hero.

Radiohead used to be pioneers. Now they're rehashing music from 8 years ago. It's taking resin hits from an old bowl.

Anywho, the clip I heard was good but not great. maybe it's just practice.

- Tommy Blunt

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Noel Gallagher Is a Twat

I know this because I know him. Here's how...

Years ago, when I was swinging in London, I snuck into the VIP area of the Astoria during a Soundtrack of Our Lives gig. The show sucked, but I saw Noel Gallagher lurking around, so it wasn't a total waste of time. Since I'm not one of those people that thinks I'm too cool to not acknowledge the famous person standing next to me, I knew I had to say something. All I could think of was "I lost my virginity to Champagne Supernova", which although a lie, was clearly a compliment. He didn't take it like that and snorted and walked away. Seriously, who does he think he is?

Another reason why Noel Gallagher is a twat is that he broke up Oasis today. Evidently he didn't like fighting with his brother, or having a cool job that people actually care about. I have a brother and I love fighting with him. Only twats can't fight with their bros.

F U Noel Gallagher! How dare you disrespect me and disrespect your duties to Rock. Go bang a spice girl and get gonorrhea.

- Tommy Blunt

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What does it take to get a badass 3-story apartment in Tribeca?

Apparently, the magical equation is as follows:

Scientology + Hit Sitcom + Hot Fiance = BadAss Tribeca Apartment

I pondered these thoughts as I enjoyed drinking Heineken minikeg beer and smoking a one-hitter with friends on the rooftop lounge area of Danny Masterson's Tribeca apartment. Now, we all know that Tribeca isn't necessarily the coolest area of Manhattan, but it sure beats Murray Hill. But Danny Masterson is kind of a tool, even though Hyde was by far the coolest member of the 70s show gang. He's a fuckin Scientologist who Twitters non-stop. And, this luxury apartment did not give off rock-star cool vibes whatsoever. We had to be quiet, so as to not wake his mother. But damn, they are designing a badass patio-chill-area that was screaming for an alcohol-infused BBQ.

Disclaimer: Danny Masterson wasn't there at the time.

- Miss Chrissy

Thursday, August 20, 2009

NEWS FLASH: Rock Princess Karen O Is Getting an Oscar!!!!

Wholly Awesome Batman!

Spike Jonze's new film, Where The Wild Things Are, will have a soundtrack composed by Rocktress Karen. Billed as Karen O and the Kids, the first single "All Is Love" will be released Aug 25. A whole bunch of 2003's croonies will also be on the record.

Since the film has Oscar buzz, and since it they've given them out to lesser musicians, there's no reason to assume anything other than that K.O. will kill a mic and then take that golden statue and shove it down her throat. (Karen, if you're reading, I've got an Oscar for you to snack on in the mean time)

- Tommy Blunt

Friday, August 14, 2009

For your audio pleasure...

Weezer, covering MGMT and throwing a little Poker Face in there. Enjoy.

- M.C.

Beach Ickyness...

Beaches are icky. Being on a beach without music and having to listen to screaming families is thump. But if your playlist is full of Jimmy buffet and Jack Johnson, you need some help. Here's what I'll be rocking to this weekend:

1) The Thrills "Don't Steal Our Sun"

2) Snoop Dogg "Gin and Juice"

3) The Strokes "Under Control"

4) Black Rebel Motorcycle "Screaming Gun"

5) The Vines "Sunshinin"

6) Jesus and Mary Chain "Happy When It Rains"

7) The Beatles "All You Need Is Love"

8) The Zutons "Railroad"

9) MGMT "Electric Feel"

10) Lou Reed "Perfect Day"

11) The Kinks "Wonderboy"

12) Donovan "Lazy Daze"

- Tommy Blunt

Del the Funky Homosapien at the Williamsburg Waterfront Show this Sunday

Del the Funky Homosapien is pretty badass, and he's never on the east coast. So let's check him out this weekend and determine his level of ickyness. Sample video below.

- M.C.

Gentlemen Broncos

From the people who brought us Napoleon Dynamite (let's choose to not remember Nacho Libre) comes the trailer for their new movie, Gentleman Broncos. Jemaine Clement + Jennifer Coolidge + Mike White = this movie should Rock. Check out the trailer.

The Thumpness of Heidi Montag

Heidi Montag (who looks like a horse) has been hyping her Playboy cover, but unfortunately the only pubes you'll see are on the beard of her husband. Dear Hugh Hefner, I know you're hurting now that Kendra got stuffed by black dude, but please get a clear head and remember that people buy your magazine to see pussy.

As if blue-balling the hef wasn't enough, Horsey Montag decided to become a pop star last week. She bought a song, hired a choreographer, and did the pistol dance on national television. We're not fans of pop music anyhow, but at least Britney understands the "sync" part of lipsyncing.

Heids, you will always be thump. Go pray for yourself.

RIP Les Paul

The Summer of Death has claimed another victim, Rock n Roll Pioneer Les Paul, at the age of 94. Paul died yesterday from complications from pneumonia in White Plains, NY. Les Paul is most famously known as the inventor of the electric guitar and multitrack recording. Rock n Roll would not be the same without this virtuoso, and IckyThump honors his achievements. Rock on, Les Paul.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Stay Icky in a Down Economy

The recession sucks.  That is, unless you haven't lost your job and are just enjoying the drink specials.  Either way, there's no excuse to not stay icky.  Here's my current advice. for the times.

1)  Wear Hane's tee-shirts for everything.  They're $10 for a pack of three, and you get to show your nipple, which is more effective than a brand name.  

2) Become a dealer.  Why not help spread the love?

3) Create a Second Life avatar that sells $5 hand jobs and charge virtual users real money for the experience. 

4)  Switch to PBR.

5) Move to Murray Hill.

6) Fake being Jewish and get a free vacation.

7) Sell "organic artisnal" $4 iced tea and lemonade to people in the Meat Packing District.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Once again, the VMAs will suck...

So the VMAs are a month away, and the set list is predictably unimpressive.  They've got:  Jay Z, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Green Day, P!nk, and Muse.  They all suck (some to more of a degree than others), and here's why, one-by-one.

Jay Z doesn't put on a good show.  I like his music, he's good at improving on stage, but all he does is stand and rap.  No movement.  No surprises.  No spontaneity.  No freak-outs.  You're cool Jigga, but give me a reason to watch instead of just listen.

Lady Gaga has overexposed her attention grabbing antics to the point that we don't pay attention.  She could shove a fisted dildo up her ass on stage and no one would blick.  She's over, unless she reinvents herself as Patti Smith...

Taylor Swift is a loser.  I bet she's a terrible bang too.  She's 18 and it's time she goes hip-hop.   

Green Day was my favorite band when I was 12.  I liked them again when I was 21.  Do they have a new album out now?  The only way they can put on a good show is if they play something from Dookie.  

P!nk.  She sounds good.  She's probably a good bang.  She's kinda smart.  But she's too clean to trust.  

Muse?  Okay, but MTV's token good rock band coulda been better.  What the fuck does Kings of Leon have to do to dominate.  5 years people!  5 whole fucking years, and they still don't have a big stage.  

Remember when MTV let Britney Spears perform while on crack?  I do, and I miss it. 

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Gaga's Dick...

Rumors swirled around the internet today about whether Lady Gaga is or isn't a hermaphrodite.  Vagina sells!

I've searched the for Gaga crotch images and I have yet to find the now famous fictional penis.  Clearly this was a well staged publicity stunt.  If she doesn't have a dick, at least she has balls. 

A question I've thankfully never yet had to ask myself is: would I still fuck her if she had a penis?  

The answer:  Yes, if I'm drunk and horny.  Duh.  

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What's a Hiatus and How Come I Don't Get One?...

I read that Strokes ringleader Julian Casablancas is coming out with solo album.  Okay cool, but why not another Strokes album instead?

Evidently the band is one "hiatus".  I don't know what this means exactly, but I'm hoping it at least involves extended hangovers and hammocks.   

But I'm confident they'll come back sooner rather than later.  A Strokes album still has the magic of being all you need to put on if you're caught with a sudden party and no readied playlist.

In the meantime, lets cheer the potential of a Julian action figure. 

Monday, August 3, 2009

Something I am excited about...

Modest Mouse's new video is coming out tomorrow, and it's been directed by the Joker himself.  Props to MM for predicting that Heath Ledger would die and make them famous again. 

I like to call the BullShit lever when I can, and we all know that we were all over Modest Mouse, and if Heath was still alive then we would think of the video as just another movie star vanity project, like Ethan Hawke's literary career.

But since he's dead, and like Van Gogh, worth more, we suddenly care and now Modest Mouse will have a hit video.  Rock on America!

Okay, I guess Heath was kinda cool when he was around.  Maybe not cool enough to party with me, but at least he did party.  And he did die like a rock star, so maybe we'll give him half the exalted cred. 

Dear God, No...

I have heard a rumor that Limp Bizkit is recording a new album.  Why?  Can't Obama do something to save us?  I need to hear another Limp Bizkit song like I need the clap.  

Why did Limp Bizkit ever even matter?  All I seem to remember of them is the image of a fat dude standing on top of a giant toilet.  Oh, and that George Michael cover.  Does that mean all Limp Bizkit fans secretly want to be George Michael fans? 

But it's not right to insult the handicapped, and Fred Durst clearly is burdened by a small dick (NSFW), so I'll stop bashing him... for now.  

- Tommy Blunt

Karen O, Bitch Parties

For Me, no one rocked All Points West harder than Karen O. She had the presence, the look, and the talent to totally rock out. And, judging by the assortment of drinks she had on stage with her, Bitch Parties. I like my rock stars to party.

I can't stop thinking about how fucking magical a collaboration between Jay Z and Karen O would have been. Lack of collaborations at APW = Thump.

Shout out to another Bitch who Parties, Mischa Barton, who made her return to the party scene after her recent stint in involuntary psychiatric hold at All Points West alongside DJ Daisy Lowe and Heatherette designer Richie Rich. Welcome back, Marissa Cooper, stay around and enjoy the party.

More APW related news soon,
Miss Chrissy

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2...

I'm proud to say I pissed my pants yesterday.  Pregaming lead to me arriving at the ferry only to realize I forgot my ticket.  Cabs and an hour later I missed Arctic Monkeys, but what evs.  

Crystal Castles proved that it's not necessary to have talent as long as you have a prerecorded bass line.  

Why would people pay for Tool?  Not getting it and don't want to.  I rocked to Ting Tings.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sunset, City, and Karen O...

Anyone that matters was at All Points West yesterday.  Miss Chrissy and I rocked it to perfection.  Mud be damned.
Here's the official Icky and Thump list of first night:
1) Jay Z's "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn"
2) Karen O
3) Karen O's killed Mic
4) Techno Tiki Huts
5) The Raven
6) Ferry ride over
7) Jay Z's shout outs
1) The Mud
2) MCA's Tumor
3) $6 Pizza Slices
4) $10 Ponchos
5) People that wear $10 Ponchos
6) Ferry ride back
7) Unnecessarily far walk to ferry

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ian Goddamn Brown...

Ian Goddamn Brown…

Sir Ian Brown has released the artwork for his new single today, ‘Stillefy’. Although I’m supposed to be happy that our hero has returned (and apparently referencing the source of his power – i.e. the Stone Rose), I just can’t help but be skeptical of another aging rock star past his prime.

For real, he’s 46. Not only is that 6 years older than half-dead, it’s 131 in Rock Star years. How do I figure? Check it out:

As we know, all self-respecting Rock Stars die at 27. The average normal-person life expectancy is 77. 77 divided by 27 times 46 = way too old to make an album worth shitting your pants in anticipation for.

Aristotle said virtue is something that is true in every circumstance and at all times. Or was that Plato? Who can remember… Anyways, if his new album has any virtue in the world of rock, then it should be able to stand alone and not be judged with a connotation to its predecessors. And if it really is virtuous, then his age wouldn’t matter.

But it does matter. I don’t make the rules. You don’t buy debut albums by artists in their 40’s either.

But yeah, I’ll buy his new shit, and smoke to it, and probably like it.

- T.B.

Icky = Good.

Thump = Bad.

Below is a photographic example...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Declaration of Icky Thump

The Declaration of Icky Thump

On the historic night of Friday July 24th 2009, amidst four chemical enhancements, Tommy Blunt and Miss Chrissy concocted the scheme to save Rock N’ Roll …and help improve their Saturday nights.  The answer:  IckyThump

Why is so outrageously awesome?  Because we say it is.  Duh.  We are going to find, supply, and define the new era of Rock by supplying content to feed our collective culture’s need for ridicule and trash.  


We are:  Tommy Blunt is the President, Miss Chrissy is VP. 

We like:  Money, sex, drugs, rock n roll, cheeseburgers, disregarding social norms, and pointing out the feebleness of others that don’t adhere to our same mentality. 

We hate:  Pete Wentz, Rush Limbaugh, work, authority (aside from our own), bar bills, committed relationships, foreplay, and corporate music.  Also and obviously, anything that deters rock n roll.