Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ian Goddamn Brown...

Ian Goddamn Brown…

Sir Ian Brown has released the artwork for his new single today, ‘Stillefy’. Although I’m supposed to be happy that our hero has returned (and apparently referencing the source of his power – i.e. the Stone Rose), I just can’t help but be skeptical of another aging rock star past his prime.

For real, he’s 46. Not only is that 6 years older than half-dead, it’s 131 in Rock Star years. How do I figure? Check it out:

As we know, all self-respecting Rock Stars die at 27. The average normal-person life expectancy is 77. 77 divided by 27 times 46 = way too old to make an album worth shitting your pants in anticipation for.

Aristotle said virtue is something that is true in every circumstance and at all times. Or was that Plato? Who can remember… Anyways, if his new album has any virtue in the world of rock, then it should be able to stand alone and not be judged with a connotation to its predecessors. And if it really is virtuous, then his age wouldn’t matter.

But it does matter. I don’t make the rules. You don’t buy debut albums by artists in their 40’s either.

But yeah, I’ll buy his new shit, and smoke to it, and probably like it.

- T.B.

Icky = Good.

Thump = Bad.

Below is a photographic example...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Declaration of Icky Thump

The Declaration of Icky Thump

On the historic night of Friday July 24th 2009, amidst four chemical enhancements, Tommy Blunt and Miss Chrissy concocted the scheme to save Rock N’ Roll …and help improve their Saturday nights.  The answer:  IckyThump

Why is IckyThump.com so outrageously awesome?  Because we say it is.  Duh.  We are going to find, supply, and define the new era of Rock by supplying content to feed our collective culture’s need for ridicule and trash.  


We are:  Tommy Blunt is the President, Miss Chrissy is VP. 

We like:  Money, sex, drugs, rock n roll, cheeseburgers, disregarding social norms, and pointing out the feebleness of others that don’t adhere to our same mentality. 

We hate:  Pete Wentz, Rush Limbaugh, work, authority (aside from our own), bar bills, committed relationships, foreplay, and corporate music.  Also and obviously, anything that deters rock n roll.